Waiting for this new perspective,
that these hands are better off empty.

LOL I'm an itchy witch. I used to curse blogger but all my friends just wouldn't relink me so here I am.. once again.
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February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
October 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009 7:13 AM
I hope that one day you'll come to realize, How perfect you are when seen through my eyes.
Sunday, March 29, 2009 1:36 AM
You don't do the things you use to do. You don't even say I love you too. And lately I've been feeling unappreciated.
Friday, March 27, 2009 12:52 AM
Let your emotions be fuel to your flame Being on fire will keep you awake If somebody yells out "hey, stop, drop, and roll!" Say "that might save my skin, but it won't save my soul.
that might save my skin, but it won't save my soul."
Wednesday, March 25, 2009 12:42 AM
The rumour is you never go with boys and you are tight So they jab you with a fork, you drop the tray and go berserk While you're cleaning up the mess the teacher's looking up your skirt Hey you've been used Are you calm? Settle down Write a song, I'll sing along Soon you will know that you are sane You're on top of the world again Monday morning wake up knowing that you've gotta go to school
Monday, March 23, 2009 1:50 AM
If I was a flower growing wild and free All I'd want is you to be my sweet honey bee. And if I was a tree growing tall and green All I'd want is you to shade me and be my leaves If I was a flower growing wild and free All I'd want is you to be my sweet honey bee. And if I was a tree growing tall and greeen All I'd want is you to shade me and be my leaves All I want is you, will you be my bride Take me by the hand and stand by my side All I want is you, will you stay with me? Hold me in your arms and sway me like the sea. If you were a river in the mountains tall, The rumble of your water would be my call. If you were the winter, I know I'd be the snow Just as long as you were with me, when the cold winds blow. All I want is you, will you be my bride Take me by the hand and stand by my side All I want is you, will you stay with me? Hold me in your arms and sway me like the sea. If you were a wink, I'd be a nod If you were a seed, well I'd be a pod. If you were the floor, I'd wanna be the rug And if you were a kiss, I know I'd be a hug All I want is you, will you be my bride Take me by the hand and stand by my side All I want is you, will you stay with me? Hold me in your arms and sway me like the sea. If you were the wood, I'd be the fire. If you were the love, I'd be the desire. If you were a castle, I'd be your moat, And if you were an ocean, I'd learn to float. All I want is you, will you be my bride Take me by the hand and stand by my side All I want is you, will you stay with me? Hold me in your arms and sway me like the sea.
Sunday, March 22, 2009 2:03 PM
So I heard (because I've no time to sit around and listen to people silently backstabbing other people) that some people actually have the nerve to disapprove of people's boyfriends/ girlfriends and etc. And all I'm trying to express is that. Why the hell? If you've all the time to talk about others, sial lah. Let's start with your life.
Your boyfriend's face so 'retak seribu'. And then you want to talk about someone else's boyfriend. Shameless. Like an old traditional saying goes, "jangan menjaga tepi kain orang." So yeah, favour ah. Your mouth ah.. You know that people complain to me about you? Telinga berbulu (not technically) dengar kau peh cerita. I'm getting sick of this routine. So go whine about it to your caring boyfriend and best-est b.f.f instead of telling other people how bad their boyfriends' are. And best part is that I don't even want to be involved with you.
Gi hisap lah. Aku viva la vida 18. I live and die for 18. Hahahaha. Damnit sia, brain aku peewee sized sia.
P/S. Happy monthsary, baby. Jenjeng, see you later.
Saturday, March 21, 2009 1:55 PM
 (Swilley and Mondz were dancing.)
I have no reason to blog here, actually. Let's just say that Aleley is so kiyoooootttttzxzxz. You kiyoootie_pie. Hisap ah kiyoootie_pie punye. Lol.
Thursday, March 19, 2009 8:57 AM
It's a minute to nine in the morning and I'm feeling so shagged in the morning. I couldn't sleep well last night, you know.. Guilty conscious feeling. And I must've been stupid to actually walk away instead of just settling down with my boyfriend. And it sucks.
And I know everyone has their own problems and issues, but then again. It's ironic that people manipulate others just to get that pinch of satisfaction. Some people have this fear of losing the ones they love and then again, what the fuck is up with being insecure? The world isn't going anywhere and neither are these people you stay true to as "friends". So, take a chill pill. Relax. You don't need to make a huge fuss about everything. These are all.. smaller pieces.
OMGZXZXZXZXZ, Pet Society is so kiiyoooottt! {stunned} Kay, kau bangsat. Kau bangsat. Sundal. Sundal. Pukimak kau. Babi anjing. Berani engkau menipu aku. Hak-hak hak-hak ha, hak hak-hak ha. (Aleleleyy mengajar mencaci).
(DAY 26)
Monday, March 16, 2009 2:41 PM
 You gotta guy but he ain't nothing like mine. {grunts}
Cranky ah buto. CELIK mata je orang berbual pasal makanan. Abe tak pasal-pasal berbual kunik. Orang pm, tak reply, terus offline. Sudah lah! Takya jumpa. Lagi mulia aku duduk rumah. Selesai masalah.
Saturday, March 14, 2009 8:42 PM
 That is Mondz and Munyimon. Sessioning. Cute right. I like to visit Munyimon because he has two guitars. And who is Munyimon? Mizam's Pet Society pet. Mondz is supposed to be a girl but she looks boyish. She doesn't wear pants or shoes. And Munyimon doesn't wear a t-shirt. Comel kan. So excited to upgrade my house. lolololol.
4 room flat, here I come. P/S. Joe is coming home tonight.
2:43 AM
And guess what's so demoralizing at two o'clock in the morning?
1. My boyfriend is not around. 2. N.E.R.D.'S concert has already been sold out. 3. My boyfriend is not around for me to sulk to.
This sucks. Sucks, sucks, sucks.
But on a brighter note, I'm planning to get my monroe by next week.
Thursday, March 12, 2009 4:39 PM
 Like oh my God, N.E.R.D is coming to Singapore! {shrieks like a fanatic} He he, alright. I admit that I'm thrilled. And I really want to go. I mean, Pharrell Williams? If anyone wants to go, without a doubt.. Email me (saw@live.com.sg). Students get tix as cheap as fourty bucks.
19th March 2009 - Esplanade Hall
Wednesday, March 11, 2009 12:37 AM
Tengah chill nie.. Lagu pon chilling. Jom, relek bersama saya. Oops, da kene book lah.
Besok jumpa Fiz. Kita chill. Chillamakkau! Lemau.
I love my boyfriend. ha ha ha ha ha
Monday, March 9, 2009 2:28 PM
When I fall in love I take my time There's no need to hurry when I'm making up my mind You can turn off the sun but I'm still gonna shine and I'll tell you why
I won't worry my life away I won't worry my life away I won't and I won't and I won't..
I am tempted to crawl over my bed and lean my head on the pillow and just let the breeze take over me. I can't help myself. This uncomfortable weather makes me miss the time spent together. And it freaks me because I kind of want to cuddle in your arms right now. I want to lie asleep and dream of us. And the chilly wind gave me a craving for minestrone (for you) and chicken alphabet soup for me. Ha ha. I don't know lah. I just miss the attention from my boyfriend.
Friday, March 6, 2009 1:31 PM
How do you deal with disappointment?
About your best friend who is having the possibility of going far away from you? I've not been a pious Muslim but I'll pray that you'll be withdrawn.
I love you, best friend. Chin up, okay? I'll start being a better best friend. {grins}
Wednesday, March 4, 2009 4:03 PM

"If love be rough with you, be rough with love. Prick love for pricking and you beat love down."
Sunday, March 1, 2009 2:30 PM
I've stopped trying to figure out people. Smart idea. I know.