Waiting for this new perspective,
that these hands are better off empty.

LOL I'm an itchy witch. I used to curse blogger but all my friends just wouldn't relink me so here I am.. once again.
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February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
October 2009
Tuesday, June 30, 2009 9:30 PM
Happy birthday, Hafizzaye Aleley. (Baru sixteen tapi da boleh lepas beli rokok Singapore apa.)
Kau jangan action ah eh, orang sini stress pasal O' levels kau masih nak step chilling-chilling baby. Better suck it up and study hard, kay. Lepas O' kalau aku ada duit aku tag band kau kay g tour? Hahaha. Oh and favor eh, heighten your standard taste buds dooood. Aku tanak tengok member aku matair ngan babi pakai skirt. Lol. Dah 16 jangan lupakan aku tau. Love ya, dick. XOXO.
 *rubs pinky finger and moans* Oh and not forgetting Mmmmizam's birthday. (My beer buddy.)  Sorry Mizam aku amik gambar sembarang. Haha. Happy birthday, my faithful beer buddy.. Yang lepak rabak suka baring-baring bukak baju abe tunjuk punat. Abe tengok Coming Soon ngan aku sampai terbaring-baring terpekik bangau.. Never really expected you of all person to entertain me actually. Haha. Thanks ah. And happy birthday. Kau semakin tua tapi takpe ah.. ;)
Monday, June 29, 2009 2:18 PM
Matt Dallas.(or known as your Kyle XY) Shia Labeouf.Personally, I think they're attractive with a little bit of moustache and beard. In my opinion I think they look more matured but then again, which girl would want to kiss a pair of hairy lips? Lol. How is yours, Joe?
 *winks* .. Yes I am very obsessed with seeing my own boyfriend growing a hairy lip. It's just so hard for me to imagine how he'll look like. XOXO. Though I prefer my old baby where he doesn't grow these things + his hair was short. You know, you look so much presentable. Now you're so sleazy. Hahaha.
Saturday, June 27, 2009 3:27 AM
Time check and it has been twenty-eight minutes past three on a Saturday morning. I'm fucking elated for obvious reasons I do not need to be anymore clearer about. Honestly shagged since I lack the amount of rest these days. Yes, I'm still worked up about the construction that's been going on around my house area lately.
Thirteen more hours until I watch Transformers 2. I'm excited because I'm going to see Megan Fox on screen. No matter how big her picture may be, I tell you. I don't care. Ha ha ha. I'm probably guessing Mamat and Agus already watched her before me but I'm glad they haven't rub it in my face yet. Pft.
I love Faizal. The same one since six months ago.
Friday, June 26, 2009 3:37 PM
 REST IN PEACE. Well, Michael Jackson just passed away. And he was just fifty. He was named as the King of Pop and I think he will always live among us. He made a huge impact and influence with his personal taste and I'm sure he's highly respected by most of us here. Some people just don't bother about him because of his eccentric behavior and his unacceptable change of skin colour but then again, it's God given. So let's pay respect by leaving a moment of silence for him.
Thursday, June 25, 2009 5:06 AM
Nowadays everybody wanna talk like they got something to sayBut nothing comes out when they move their lips; just a bunch of gibberish And motherfuckers act like they forgot about me.
(Fuck you. Fuck you very much.)
Tuesday, June 23, 2009 3:03 AM
 You try to photoshop your face up ever since you put your Myspace up. No one really cares about how you look, honey. Beauty is only skin deep.
Monday, June 22, 2009 4:05 PM
My mom cooked fish today. It's silly, kay. She tells me it would make me smarter but it's just a trick, I tell you. I mean, I wouldn't waste my own effort just to be extra careful not to choke or chew on a fish bone. And it's pathetic if I were to choke on something needle-like. It would be more pathetic if I were to die choking from it. If I were to eat fish, it means that my eyes have to peel for bones, so what for eat fish. Waste my time and effort only. Something so mild that won't even keep me full for a day. Lol. And besides that, sometimes the fish tends to stink so it really pulls down the appetite. And that is my, my fellow friends, I don't like fish. So don't try to act all concerned about my eating habits if I choose cup noodles over fish.
Mint messaged me today. Am I elated or what? Or what lah. I just pray he'll be able to meet me on Friday. Me and you guys to see him bald! Fat chance but I must try before I die! Lol sia.
5:38 AM
The earth is dying just because people refuse to take the public transport and carry their own recycling bags. The sharks are fin-less and the whales are whaled. The seals are clubbed and the artic ice is stained in red blood. Ignore the melting ice. And ignore the gas that burned the atmosphere that's keeping us alive. Because as long as everyone's earning money, the world is fine. Money makes the world go round. Bullshit. It's just paper, plastic and a few chips of metal dyed with faces of dead people who also.. didn't make a difference to the world.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009 1:48 AM

LOL. So cute. Don't ask me why I like this anime so much.
Sunday, June 14, 2009 10:23 PM
MEN-to the edge-DAK!
Will be away from Tuesday to (six days from that). I'm off to Pulau Redang gedegang berdagang, well, that's what I think that is..
I'm practically feeling too lazy to even pack my bags though but hope you'll miss me, bitches. XOXO.
(Lol, Paris style.)
12:20 AM
Aku tersedar dari tidurku apabila telefon bimbitku berdering di sebelah telinga. Mata ku yang masih kuyu tidak bermaya untuk melihat waktu atau telefon. Aku mengangkat panggilan dengan segera kerana berpastian ia perkara penting atau serius. Apabila aku meletakkan telefon kepada telinga, hatiku retak seribu apabila mendengar suara seorang wanita yang amat.. menyeramkan. Setelah meletakkan panggilan, aku terasa terganggu hingga tidak boleh terlelap lagi. Aduhai. Mengapakah ku masih berasa segan? Adakah sidia berpura-pura sahaja tidak tahu hubungan aku dan anaknya ataupun dia kebenarannya tidak mahu aku bersamanya dan inginkan ku pastikan sahaja. Tetapi walaubagaimanapun, ku kan redha dan menantinya sahaja. Apakah rasanya cinta tanpa rindu, ya?
Ku tak kisah dengan perasaan mu terhadapnya tapi ingin ku mencari kepastian anda. Bukankah kamu yang meluahkan perasaan mu padaku sekarang? Cuba melupakannya sebentar. Berikanlah ku waktu untuk membuktikan yang kasih diberinya tiada setaraf bersama aku. Lol. Sorry, I was Fuch-inspired.
Saturday, June 13, 2009 4:09 AM
A friend told me "ini semua chill lah saw. you just have to wait for that one day. dont terburu buru." And I replied that ".. life's too short to wait for someone. just grab everything and go. give things a try. it might hurt me but it won't kill me."
But two weeks is not long for me to wait. And there's no fuss over fury for it. I'm on a golden mile to road El-Optimism. And step one is to endure fourteen days without my smexy. Lol. Let's see how patient I can get before I explode.
Lurvvvve ya dicks. Thanks for sticking up to my ass and cheering me on.
(1, 2, 3, 4)
Thursday, June 11, 2009 3:44 PM
 "There's only one thing two do, three words four you.. I love you." "One, two, three, four.. Uno, dos, tres, quatro." Lol. We're different but that's what makes me attracted to you. I'm like Hinata, pondering over Naruto but it hurts me because Naruto's secretly in love with Sakura. But Sakura's too obsessed with Sasuke. And I'm obsessed with the anime. Ha ha ha. But treat me like Hinata lah, please.
(Mati-mati! Ha ha ha.)
Wednesday, June 10, 2009 2:48 AM
“It is not love that is blind, but jealousy.” -Lawrence Durrell If I care means that I love you yet I'm feeling kinda jealous. Then I don't think it's love at all. Urm, I'm pretty much confused. My thoughts are like jumbled up right now. I cannot think of anything else to say. So why don't you help me build a word?

It's time to build a word, let's build it, let's build it now! A-F-F-E-C-T-I-O-N
Yeah, we just built a word. We built it, we built it, yeah! Trust in my affection for you.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009 9:19 PM
I just changed my blog skin, well, you know.. It looked so nice when Joe was in the picture but then again, what the heck. I'm actually doing myself a nice thing by not hating him btw. Tenting is postponed to tomorrow and I can't wait. Facebook is lagging everytime I come back. There's practically nothing to do these days.
Sunday, June 7, 2009 12:24 PM
It's mid-day and I'm so fucking shagged. I just came home after a long night spent with Mint and Prata. Prata had a family chalet and I don't know why the rest didn't make it but oh well, at least there was food. Prata left for the first bus and Mint and I.. Kita chilly girly man because there was no rush.
WTF layankan karena orang gila waktu lapan pagi kan.
Saturday, June 6, 2009 3:22 AM
 Fuch is such a sweetheart. She uploaded like, this picture? I remember everyone being eager to buy hair dye at Bedok and then going to Fuch's to dye. Fuch was persistive of cutting bangs and Iika wanted to dye her hair although it wasn't her school holidays yet. LOL. I look so fucking minah sia! It's three in the morning and I'm still awake. I don't know why. This picture just brought me excitement.
Friday, June 5, 2009 2:59 PM
I wanted to blog on Multiply but my server was down so I'm backed up here. It's three o' clock in the afternoon and I'm pretty shagged. My eyes are ridiculously hefty from the lack of sleep that I just had. I thought Mamat was supposed to take me out today but he got caught up with work. He promised a treat soon so I guess I'm going to be ahead of him and bake first.
I came home around eight in the morning today. I was so friggin' tired I flagged a cab home instead of walking to Parkway Parade with Mint. I had a great time with you darling, and the rest too. Kau pasti comel sangat hingga kene kuti di dahi. Wakduh, wakduh.
So yeah, I dragged my feet to bed the moment I came home. I slept at around nine and woke up disturbed by one o' clock. The construction area around my block is seriously annoying. They won't stop hitting the bricks until five or six in the afternoon. Gee. It's so irrational that they only start renovating during my June holiday. I wish sleeping was easy. Hmm.
Thursday, June 4, 2009 7:40 PM
You say you love but you're never there for me. You'll be crying, slowly dying when I decide to leave. All we do is make up then break up. Why don't we wake up and see when love hurts it won't work. Maybe we need some time alone. We need to let it breathe